There are going to be free mask distribution sites set up to give out masks to drivers. Approximately 800,000 free masks are available to be given away. It is a somewhat lengthy list of places so here is a LINK to where they will be given away. If you want one they are first come first served. I know these type of things are hard to find on the road so I wanted to put this out there. Send this to someone who may be looking for a mask but can't find one.
See you on the road!
In another apparent protest, a couple dozen truckers were seen rolling at 10 MPH on a California interstate. What? Yes. More Owner protesting low rates. People say "we have to do something" but in fact you have to do the right thing. Rolling at 10 on the big road is ridiculous and very dangerous. No one expects you to be going 10 and I would say any accident is your fault. Blocking traffic is not going to help rates. Look, let me explain the free market to these "truck drivers". I have to put that in quotes because a professional would not risk others lives purposely on the road. NO ONE IS BUYING ANYTHING. Simple, right? So, the same number of trucks are on the road and hardly and freight needs to be moved. LOW RATES. Amazing how that works, isn't it? What can the general public do? Nothing. I doubt you will get much sympathy from the public when a record number of people are laid off and can't pay their own bills. Stop being immature and irresponsible. You started a business that now might fail. That is the reality of what is happening right now. Also, what do you want the government to do about it? Rates are not set by the government. Maybe the rate per mile should be set at say, $1.25 to the truck. Fair? I doubt many would like that. If you want the government to set rates move to Russia. This is the free market at work. It is the FREE part of FREEDOM.
See you on the road! In a recent article, about 75 "independent" truckers stopped on a highway in Texas forcing police to close the road. They were escorted off the highway and given tickets, one was arrested. Why? You can't block the highway, that's why. The protest was about rates and how much brokers make on the loads. Apparently the rates are very low right now which can prevent an owner operator from making money. Here is the issue. People buy a truck and think it is going to be fat city. That might not be the case. You aren't buying a truck, you are now running a business. That business can actually lose money. You are not guaranteed to make any certain amount of money or any money at all. You might lose money and go broke. You want to make money on each load? Become a company driver. This kind of stuff just aggravates me to no end. Do these owners give back money when the load price is high? I doubt it. Life isn't fair and you might go broke. I said it. Right now rates are down and this will force some out of the industry. Those that remain will get the higher rates that are sure to come. The driver in the article was lamenting the fact that he doesn't get any detention pay. Who's fault is that? The government? No. Company drivers (at good companies) get detention time. A business owner gets the amount he agrees to when he takes the load. No more, no less. The government should only step in to enforce whatever contract the two parties agree to when they enter into the contract. Nothing more. There are no guarantees in life or in business ownership. More people need to understand that before they go in business for themselves. See you on the road! I have been getting this question quite often lately as you can imagine. Can you get unemployment if your hours or pay have been reduced due to COVID-19? Generally, YES. It is certainly worth applying for unemployment if you pay is less than it has been or if your hours are lowered or if you have taken a pay cut that reduces how much you make each week. States have different rules about this but generally you can get partial unemployment for that. Currently and through July 31 there is an additional $600/wk added to unemployment as a sort of stimulus and really to keep people at their jobs. I am not an attorney or unemployment expert but the way it reads is that amount is ADDED to whatever amount of unemployment you get. So, maybe you only qualify for $50/wk unemployment due to reduced work. That is now $650/wk. The $600 is not determined by your total pay and it is paid even if it means you make more on unemployment than you made at your job. If your hours are cut or pay reduced I would certainly encourage you to research unemployment in your state. They are doing everything online now and you are not even required to look for work while the emergency is in place. An extra couple thousand dollars over a month could keep you in your job until it picks up again and people get released from the illegal (in my opinion) house arrest that the governors of this country have put us under.
See you on the road! If you have a TWIC card that expires after March 1 the expiration date has been extended until July 31. That also gives you an idea of how long the government will be keeping people on house arrest. If you need to use this card in your job you don't currently have to worry about it being expired. Utah has finally relented and ended its ridiculous text program where every phone gets a text with a link to a form you are supposed to fill out. This text was supposed to go to all people entering the state but it when to some people who are residents in their houses as far as 60 miles from the state line. These poor folks were getting the message up to 20 times a day so Gov Herbert finally ended the program that I consider an assault on freedom. You still are required to inform Utah of your movements although there doesn't seem to be a good way to do that. I won't be doing it, you can believe that.
See you on the road! Utah has set a new low mark for government overreach this week as now all entrants to the state will be required to fill out a form detailing where you have been the last 14 days, if you have been in contact with anyone with the RONA, if you have a fever and several other questions. Soon we will hear: "May I see your papers?" This form will be sent to all cell phones as they enter the state. It will arrive the way an Amber Alert arrives. You can do what you want but there is no way I would fill that out. It is none of their business where I have been. Cripes. So many thousands have died for freedom here over the centuries and now people VOLUNTARILY enslave themselves. Where does this end? This form started out as all travelers but as of now due to massive backlash the Governor of Utah backed off from having truck drivers involved in interstate commerce fill it out. You will still get it, though. The other day I did a video on how everyone is simply going along with being on house arrest. It was very windy and hard to hear but I wanted to do it outside in direct violation of this "order" that can't be enforced anyway. People, I beg you, do not let the government do this. Where does it all end? In the trash heap, that's where. Tens of millions of people have filed for unemployment. I am now starting to get letter from drivers in industries I never thought would be laid off. Like gas haulers. Who would have ever though someone hauling gas would be laid off? Food haulers. Yes, food haulers. I am hearing now of full warehouses turning loads away or 2-3 day waits to be unloaded/loaded. People that are at highest risk should take the most precautions, stay home when possible, wear a mask, always be washing. Everyone else should be vigilant in washing and taking precautions like staying apart from each other so as not to infect those at most risk. Otherwise, let's get this country back on track. We are permanently destroying the lives of millions to save the lives of thousands. People ask: "What if that was you is that bed, fighting for your life?" I would never ask anyone, much less a country, to give up freedom so that I may live longer. "Better to die fighting for Freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life." --Bob Marley See you on the road! (Maybe)
Trucking has been the craziest I have ever seen since I have been driving. This is way different than the recession in 2008, that is for sure. It just got slow all over for that. Now, people are either running like crazy or being laid off. I know that a number of you have sent me messages to that effect. Right now food is mainly the thing to do, also other essential supplies but that is about to change. There are auto haulers and flatbedders and movers that are going power only or even renting a van to get into what seems to be a great market. The problem comes when these people flood the market with more trucks, the rates go down and less loads to go around. The good days that some drivers are right now experiencing are weeks away from slowing down. I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer on this, get the good times while you can. The future is bright for trucking as people always need to eat no matter if they are making any money or not. Haul that and you won't go without a job. Niche haulers are having the hardest time of it right now. Even if you have only been thinking about getting into the trucking industry, now is a good time. Well, as soon as truck schools open back up is a good time. Some companies are still doing training so if you are willing to risk it get going. Insist on your own room no matter what. With so many people there will always be a need for trucking. The road may be bumpy now but keep going, it get smoother the farther ahead we go.
See you on the road! |
AuthorHi! Welcome. I'm Mark and I've been a professional truck driver for over 33 years, the last 19 years at the same company. It is time that drivers got paid for every minute that we work and we are treated like the licensed professionals we are. Archives
February 2022